Just for Racers – New Products & Services

Despite the vast majority of our social media following being individual racers, the studio has actually never formally offered any services directly to racers. At least, until now. Grand Prix Studio will now offer products and productized services exclusively for racers, as well as for small teams too. You can view all four of our new offerings here.
A Brand-New Motorsports Info Deck / Sponsorship Deck Template
For the last couple of years, we’ve listed a downloadable sponsorship info deck template that racers and teams could tailor to their needs without having to work directly with our studio. The deck Includes over 20 high value slides designed to help you effectively communicate your value to your prospects in motorsports. It also includes real world examples for referencing as well from past projects of ours. It was previously totally free to download. And only recently did I realize just how popular it was when I checked the downloads. For 2023, the deck was completely re-built, with more slides added, as well as more educational info on how best to use it. It’s unfortunately no longer free, but for what it’s worth, it’s now about $4 / slide, retailing at $125. We imagine you’ll easily make that back up though in the deals it will help you close. At the very least, it will certainly save you dozens of hours trying to design your own.

One Our Consulting & Strategy Call
Let's talk (off-track) racing strategy! On this one hour call, we'll help devise the optimal game plan to progress your racing career. The topics we dive into are totally up to you, and we encourage you to send us as much information up front as possible so we can get straight into it on this one-hour call. And if this call goes over an hour because we're pumping out awesome ideas and strategies for you, we’re totally cool with that. Learn More / Schedule a Call.
To view all of these new product and services, check out new Products + page.